Mission and Goals
Mission and Goals:
The International Society for Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology’s (ISAPP) mission is to increase the public and professional awareness about the mental health and development of adolescents all around the world.
1. ISAPP aims to develop a vision about the mental health of adolescents in the international field in collaboration both with individuals devoted to working with adolescents in various countries and also with other national and international organizations on the basis of the evidences provided by the professional literatüre.
2. ISAPP organizes international global congresses and regional ones to bring together the professionals committed to working in the field of adolescent mental health and disorders and tos hare knowledge and experience .
3. ISAPP tries to increase the collaboration among the professions of child and adult psychiatry, psychology, social work, paediatrics, public health, nursing, education, social sciences and other related disciplines.
4. ISAPP promotes the formation of small study groups in specific topics regarding adolescent mental health, mental disorders and their treatment.
5. ISAPP aims to bring forward the specific issues and problems of young people going through adolescence, like identity issues, gender problems, body image, social skills, risk behaviors and psychiatric disorders which usually begins at this period , like anorexia nervosa.
6. ISAPP aims to work towards developing measures to decrease the risks for adolescent mental health and increase healthy behavior
7. ISAPP advocates for the rights and mental health of adolescents.